First....I want to thank every single one of you for your beautiful birthday wishes for my mama..It meant the world to us all! THANK YOU !!!! Her Birthday was spent rather quiet without my dad and...she had a molar pulled and was a little swollen and a tad uncomfortable...So we had her cake and ice cream the next day when she wasn't looking quite the chipmunk and could enjoy it :)
Everyone... loves a giveaway...but a fun one to boot? If you haven't visited Kasey of Lola B's wonderful blog yet, your in for such a treat, her blog is full of beautiful pictures and she has such a fun, witty and insightful way of writing, she really grabs you from the get go! Kasey is giving away the lovely necklace below called Fly Me to Paris, among some other lovelies :) Good Luck Everyone......and....Your Welcome :)
To enter click HERE...
Giveaway ends.... 4/23 at Midnight
Update***I loved this movie, but was rather disappointed with the ending....I, like many had read about her throughout the years and I just felt like the movie ended at the best part...when their lives together were just beginning...but the costumes and actors were wonderful, the scenery, locations and sets (palaces) were amazingly beautiful...gotta love period pieces :) Will I watch it again....You betcha!
I watched "Everybody's Fine" earlier today....tried to watch it three times before while I cooked and or cleaned the kitchen and I knew it was good, but kept missing so much, so this morning while I worked I finally saw it...I think it is a WONDERFUL movie...Not a Christmas Holiday like I thought it was going to be, it made me think of how many times our lives echoed the movie...always telling our parents or loved ones what we think they want to know, you know...the happy stuff only....and how we sometimes are guilty of not listening and only hearing what we want to hear.....I think at one time or another we are all guilty of that :) I can't tell you how many times I went to my dad with my troubles because I didn't want to trouble mama, dad always listened and would say..."let's not bother your mother with'll be fine".....and you always was...but now he is gone...and it is time to tell mama everything...not only the girls think I don't know or notice....but you know what??? I see them doing the same with not only their dad...but my mama as well, they go to them and try to spare me what they think I don't want to hear....I guess this movie kind of opened my eyes to that...kind of ironic if you think about it....I thought De Niro was fabulous in it.... Anyways I really enjoyed it, if you get a chance to see it, let me know what you think :)
Well "Young Victoria" is waiting....
Until next time dear friends,