Before, I start this new post...I have to tell you how thankful I am to have found and made so many new friends here in Blogland...Your inspiration, love and friendship mean soo much to me, with each comment that you leave me and each visit that I make to your blogs...Well it just proves to me...that no matter how ugly, sad or blue things sometimes get and feel...that there is so much goodness out just have to be receive it....accept it and embrace it! And Kelly....Thank you for another wonderful Kreative Blogger Award! Is it cheating if I go ahead and accept it and use what I already wrote in my last post here ? :) The only thing I would love to change is this...I love what Lorraine of Paper Bird said when I awarded it to her...she went Rogue :)!! and gave the award to all the wonderful, inspiring blogs...and THAT is exactly what I wanted to do..but I was afraid of breaking the know...sometimes you just have to bite it... and do what feel right! :) So ladies congrats to all your wonderful blogs... for being so beautiful and inspiring!Now to my new post :) thank you for indulging me that lil moment...Have you ever come across something that you just loved and knew it was meant to be yours? I seem to do that ALOT lol Sadly my house isn't big enough to cater to these strong whims...err feelings!I LOVE CraigsList...I can't tell you how many amazing things I have found on it...that I have not only bought... but even gotten for free....but as much as I love these has been the wonderful people that I have come in contact with and made wonderful friendships that I know will last...That has made me such a fan of it! Each time Mr wonderful has taken me to go pick up a new "treasure" he knows that it will be a few hours...even if it is 20 min away :) because we end up talking for hours and even getting together to visit again with many of these neat people :) So it is because of these amazing experiences that I have decided to write my Craigslist Chronicles....small random...out of order stories of my found treasures there....the wonderful people I met and how I have used my treasures...Every now and then I will add one to not only entertain you....but to make a permanent record of that I will hopefully never forget these wonderful people that sometimes came into my life for what might seem a moment...but left such an amazing footprint in my heart....My Craigslist Chronicles Part 1 :Sonny's lil cabinet...
See that beautiful cabinet above??? I saw it on Craigslist just this past February and Fell in love with it possible to fall in love with an object??? I think so...All I know is that I wanted it....I felt it MUST be mine...almost to the point of tears did I beg Mr wonderful that as tired as he was after work...that he just HAD to take me to go look at it (BUY IT) but knowing me...he already knew that :) On our way to look at the cabinet my mom called me...If you are familiar with So Calif...I live near Long Beach....the cabinet was in the Valley...we went on a Friday evening in rush hour traffic, took us over 2 hours just to get there.As I was saying on the way there my mom called me...she said and I will never forget...."Sonny wants to go to the hospital...can you come take us?" I remember feeling sooo a bucket of cold water was dumped on me, I was suddenly sweating and with the chills... and trying not to cry...or vomit...sitting in the front seat of my husbands truck between him and my youngest daughter...I especially didn't want to scare her, she was only 12 years old. I was trying hard to keep it together. The last time I remember feeling that way was when I was told my dad Bob died...I was 10...and when my Ita (grandma) got sick and we lost her...just a couple of years ago...although it feels like yesterday...I hate that feeling and hope to never feel it again...wishful thinking I know...but it makes me feel better to say it to myself....
I explained to my mom where I was and that it would take me a few hours to get back home in Friday nite traffic! I asked her to call my sister and that I would meet them at the see my dad Sonny....has NEVER asked to be taken to the hospital...not even when he had a massive coronary heart attack!...He was after all...a just wasn't his style. BTW he had 3 of those and survived! I think that is why I was so scared...we were 1 block from where we were to look at the cabinet, my husband trying to calm me said " we're here....they are waiting, lets just look at it, and if you want it...lets take it home now" I agreed...When I saw it...I didn't even open the drawers...I wouldn't touch it and hardly looked at it, I asked its history I was told the original owner of their home had made it for his garage to hold his nuts and bolts back in the 50's from what the original owners wife had told them...I smiled because it reminded me of my dad and all his neato things in his garage...we paid and we left...from there straight to the ER, all I remember is that it was the longest drive... like we were driving through a few states....
At the ER that night we found out my dad had pneumonia, but then even worse...after 3 am we were told he had his lungs...It wasn't good the Dr said...I am sorry but when the hell is cancer good??? The next 2 weeks my dad was in the hospital....we were all there with him everyday...trying to find out what exactly we were looking at, what Stage, what were his chances? We knew nothing....till I finally felt beyond over whelmed and I yelled and threatened the Doctors and was finally told "he has 4th stage lung cancer" and I was the lucky one that had to go and tell that information to my mom, my sister and brothers....hmmmm now I understand the story of Pandora's Box....a little too well...don't know if I will ever push for answers like that again....During all this time this lil cabinet sat on our porch...I would walk by it...NEVER touching it...almost hating it...because I wasn't where I should have been the nite we got it...and I wasn't about to forgive that stupid cabinet for that lil tragedy...much less myself. Funny thing is that during those long days in the hospital...I told my dad all about it and I promised to show it to him when he got home...the idea of all those lil drawers intrigued him too :) We never got that chance....and still the cabinet sat on my porch. My husband finally said "we need to clean it and bring it inside, it is going to get ruined outside" be honest after we buried my dad...I could have truly cared less about that stupid cabinet...all those great ideas that I had for it...seemed ludicris to me now...I just wanted to give it back and have that nite we got it never happen....
I forgot to tell dad Sonny was one of the few people that always supported my art work, my quirkiness...he said it made me special..made me stand out...he always looked at what I created and made my head and heart swell with his praise...he also would listen to my ideas and add his 2 cents when he wanted too :) He thought the cabinet was great for my supplies and doo dads and said that when I didn't want it...he would take it from me anytime...and still I wanted nothing to do with the stupid cabinet....
Mr wonderful bought it in for me to clean...I had decided to do that and sell actually made me sick to even look at you can imagine how I felt cleaning out over 70 lil drawers! late at night as I took each lil drawer out to clean, I suddenly realized that at the bottom of the drawers there was writting....I figured it was the company that made the metal studs ( I know this, because hubby is in construction so I learned some lingo :)...that is what all the lil drawers were made of with lil blocks of wood as drawer fronts with tiny handmade knobs....I didn't pay attention to what the writing said...It was late, I was tired and I didn't feel like hunting down my reading glasses....but if you look closely there are a few drawers that are double the size of the medium size drawers....when I held it to the light....this is what I saw...
ALCOA....Now this is where my heart stopped...see my dad worked for over 4o years for his company...It started as another company called Voi Shan...where he met and fell in love with my mami and I like to think with my sister and I :) from there it was taken over or merged with other companies, I think that is what happened... anyways because the last I knew it was Fairchild...but I had forgotten that it had changed names one more time... in the end and even now... it is named.....Ready for this??????? ALCOAAll I remember is sitting on my couch with the rag and hugging the drawer and crying... I truly believe with all my heart that it was his way of telling me it was ok...that it wasn't my fault and to be happy and let creativity back into my heart and life... Or as he would lovingly say to me..."Go play...Artsy Girl"As you can see from this last picture...we kept is one of my most favorite possessions...That and the fact that everyone in our family has told me that when I am tired of it...they want it...even my mama when I told her the story...well she walked out of the room, I thought from her reactions that she was angry at me for telling her about my cabinet...but she left because it made her cry for a moment and being so soon after we lost him...she needed a moment that was just theirs...she went to their room to shed her tears...away from us all..but she did say if I still was intent on selling it...that she had to be the one to buy it....In this picture you see all the craziness that is my bebe is almost done...and when it is, you will see it in its new home and you know what? when I look at that stupid lil always makes me you tell me....Meant to be??.....what is your answer???P.S. I love you Sonny...
So for those of you that have read this LONG post to the end...I thank you from my heart for indulging me in my story telling or as my best friend used to say....long ass stories that make her cry :)***Just incase your is and you just clik on your state and cities you are intrested in...also I always look at the Freebies section first...I know I just gave myself a ton of competition...but hey with friends, you share and do what you have to do right?....Good Luck treasure hunting :) Today I get to visit everyone....feels like I have missed so much in just 2-3 days :)Until next time dear friends,
Rose ~